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Scoodian War

Alliance victory



Scoodian Empire


General Alexander Wilson
Commander Jason Veria
General Sacelos
General Kozel
Commander Elias Carin


The Scoodian War was a massive war between the Terran Federation, its allies and the Scoodian Empire.


In 2560, the Terran Federation vessel TFS Intrepid journeyed into Scoodian space, unknowing that they had entered the territory of another species. Two Akchel-class Warships immediately opened fire on the Intrepid, killing most of its crew. The remainders of the crew used fighters to retreat back to Hansen, the closest colony to the Scoodian border. The warships soon entered orbit around the colony, its soldiers almost immediately disembarked and attacked and occupied the colony. Two months later, a joint fleet of Terran Federation and Danteri Confederacys vessels attacked the forces on the planet and retook the colony.


Over the years, several planets near Scoodian space such as Kazomi VII, Tazino Prime, Ventauri III, Arcata VII, Daltron VII and Dura IX pledged their loyalty to the Terran Federation. However, these planet were destroyed by the Scoodian Empire to make examples.

After four years, the Terran Federation and its allies took control of the moon of Scoodus IV, a relay installation which linked the Scoodian Empire to its fleet. Soon, the Battle of Scoodus Prime, ended with a stunning victory for the Alliance and occupation of their homeworld.


Following the war, the Terran Federation and the Danteri Confederacy occupied the Scoodian homeworld and colonies were transferred to Mawasi and Danteri control.
